In doing some genealogy research over the weekend, I stumbled across another researcher's work. This researcher must have a genuine love for local history in northeast Mississippi. He/She had researched many of the long time area familes, revealing a huge web of family lines.
In doing his research, he/she had also compiled photographs of these families. And one of the families he had researched was mine. He had pictures of my mother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. etc.
One of the photographs was this one of my great uncle, Ginny.
I had never seen it before. It must be his senior picture from high school, around 1948ish.
I have such wonderful memories of Uncle Ginny. As a young adult, Ginny was in automobile accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. So my only memories of him are in a wheelchair. But he was a vibrant and active man.
This was WAY before the days of handicapped accessibility. But that never stopped him. He rigged his El Camino with hand pedals so he always drove himself. And he would just toss his wheelchair in the back.
He would even fish. In a boat. By himself! Somehow he was able to load and unload his boat from the trailer...get himself into and out of the boat... How he did it is beyond me!
But one of my favorite memories is of his love of jokes. And he loved to play those jokes on my Mom and her 6 sisters. I can remember many a summer day being offered a quarter if I would bring him a frog. Since the sight of my Mom and aunts running around and screaming like mad was ALWAYS a fun time, I was always happy to oblige. He usually had a smoke bomb to set off as well. And he LOVED to cheat (and get caught cheating) at cards!
Uncle Ginny passed away when I was a freshman in high school. What I wouldn't give to be able to find one more frog for him...
So thank you, Pinedale Connections researcher on Thank you for bringing back such wonderful memories!
That is so cool! I just finished making a scrapbook for my mom's birthday of her parents from the time they were babies until they adopted her. It was a lot of fun to do and the time was spent with fabulous memories.
Someone found this picture?
I don't know how works but that is totally cool!
He sounds like he was an amazing man.
He sounds like an amazing soul...glad you were able to KNOW him.
Frogs and smoke bombs???? what a fun time. :)
Aw! I love this story. Uncles are the best! He sounds like a perfect one. You're so lucky.
I will totally give you a quarter if you bring me a frog.
What a great find! And what great memories of your Uncle Ginny.
We should all have a relative like that. Since I don't, maybe I should become the one??
What an inspiring person! You are lucky to have had him in your life.
That is way cool Woody!
What fun to do this...we should talk...all my mother's family is from there;) El Caminos....ahhhh those were the days.
What a great story! He reminds me of hubby's uncle, but he always made us laugh about boogers.
I recently joined a geneology website & started researching, so I'm thrilled with your success in stumbling across such a thoughtful researcher. I hope to be as lucky...
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