And then I have dreams like this. The ones that stick with me for days. Was it upsetting? Or scary? No, not really. Just weird. Maybe I'm having side effects from The Vinyl Villager's latest dose of Chantix.
So here it is:
I was visiting some friends. One of them leaned in toward me, pointing at the corner of my mouth. They said, "You have a little something right there..."
So I went to the bathroom to get whatever it was off of me. When I looked in the mirror, I got the shock of my life.
I had a goatee. And not just a little stubbly goatee, either. It was about 4-5 inches long.

And I had no idea that it was there.
So, analyze that!
PS - I have made Vol Fan promise to pluck/shave/wax me if I start to sprout!
PSS - Apparently, I will still be pretty damn hot even if I am bearded!
well if that's you in the pic. i agree, you look pretty good. my guess is people wouldn't notice a little goattee too much with that bod!
Dreams like that are so weird...I have them too and makes me wonder if it means anything. Cute picture!
ha ha ha! My dreams have started to get a little weird, but nothing like last time. And nothing quite as unusual as what you described.
Funny! I have some wild and crazy dreams too. Do you dream in color? I do.
Just curious, was this the night of the tequilla fest and if so was ZZ Top on the Juke Box? :) If so, you may have your answer!!
Hey Woody... we can just change your name to Wooly!!!!! AND--if you had that excess hair where you don't want it, just imagine how much ATTENTION you would get... ha ha
P.S. They 'say' that dreams SO mean something---so you can figure that one out!!!! ha ha
I think it means you want to listen to some ZZ Top...
Plan B: Join the circus as the bearded lady.
You'd become recession proof!
Have you been watching old circus movies again?? P.T. Barnum will be the ruination of us yet!
I must admit, all of the waxing in the world would be worth it to look like that in a bikini again:)
Is something hairy going on in your life? Well then, it must be an omen that the lawn needs mowing or something...
This is funny...I also dream of excessive hair...legs, arms and face.
I think it means you need to go in for a waxing. Eyebrows and perhaps your chin.
you make me laugh.
so nice to see you are getting good use of the pool, even in winter.:)
Hair on the face is so problematic. It makes me scream. In angst...not delight : ).
I don't know what your dream means. I am so happy that Vol Fan is going to take care of that for you. What a good man!
I'll swap your goatee dream for the one I had the other night, where I was being kept prisoner by people who were going to kill me.
Honestly, I'd rather have the beard! LOL!
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