Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Drive

On Tuesday, I drove from Tullahoma to Greensboro, North Carolina. It was about an 8 hour drive which when you are on the road like we are on the road, that really isn't too bad of a drive.

The weather was perfect. The traffic was light. The result? I was bored. And here is what happens when I get bored.

It all started with this school bus. Can you spot the bad grammar? And we wonder why Johnny can't read!!

Then I couldn't stop with the pictures. Me - driving!

Dixie - riding!

Still driving...

I-40 through the mountains of east Tennessee and western North Carolina is beautiful.

Me - thinking about what it would be like driving that section of I-40 during bad weather.

Still driving.

Tried to take a pic of NC tax dollars hard at work but missed. Road crew - 1 guy working, 5 guys standing and watching. And we wonder why our country is in such a mess!

Snarling at the car that would pass me and then slow to a crawl. So I would pass her and then she would pass me again. And then slow to a crawl. Drives me bat-shit crazy - just pick a damn speed already!!

Stretching my pained tailbone. My bicycle riding has given me a real pain in the ass. If you've ever experienced tailbone pain, you know what I'm talking about. Any suggestions to help it?

Still driving.....


Unknown said...

Driving while under the influence of a camera?

Glad you had such a beautiful trip though.

That bus is halarious!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my can drive and take pictures of yourself??? you are so amazing. I loathe seeing all the road work and only a few working and lots of folks sitting. SO annoying.
Dixie looks like our dogs in the car, just a smidgen of room and no complaints. Does she have tumors, or is that spots? Cocoa has one that we are watching. Boxers are tumor dogs. That is what my vet says.
Glad you made it with no troubles, aside from the crappy drivers.

I Am Woody said...

Last summer Dixie had these places where her skin got thickened and scaly and she lost her hair. The vet never did figure out what was wrong with her. But now that her skin has healed, her hair is coming back in darker! We're hoping that once she is outside in the sun more, it will fade and blend back in. But until then, she looks like a hyena!

T said...

I can just imagine what the passing drivers were thinking when they saw you with the camera!

Good luck in NC!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I grew up in NC. The folks are nice. Glad you had a good trip. Thanks for the smiles for the camera! Poor Dixie looks beat!

Lori said...

"Driving while under the influence of a camera." I love it! Sounds like you were having a great time on your road trip!

Anonymous said...

that is one loaded down car! Looks like youre having a fun trip though.

Lisa said...

You are too funny!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Personally, I find having a big ol' fat ass helps. But some people just won't go to that kind of extreme! ;)

Hope your tushy is feelin' better! Great pics!

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Um, SSG hasn't been on a bike since she shattered her ankle and had to have it put back together by three different orthopedic surgeons. THAT was fun! But I wish I was in the passenger seat! SSG loves herself a good road trip and something tells her that you two would have A LOT to talk about. Like that bitch who kept passing you, GAH.

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

Your tailbone stretching looks like me as I drive the interstate. I noticed on my last trip to Indy that I move closer and closer to the steering wheel the longer I drive (Indy is only an hour). Hell if I had to drive for 8 I'd be a hood ornament instead..LOL.

I am impressed with the photo abilities you posses while driving.

Desert Survivor said...

Looks like a good way to help make a long drive more entertaining!

Donna Reed In Blue Jeans said...

Wow, that is talent! LOL!

I put on mascara or lip gloss at stop-lights, but never dare to do it while in motion - I'd end up with a mascara wand lodged in my eye or lip-gloss on my ear. I'm sure of it!

Anonymous said...

I really like your driving self-portraits!! What I want to know is how many blog posts you came up with during that eight hour trip:)