Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It All Happened So Quickly

Earlier this evening, we were at Mamaw and Poppy's enjoying a family dinner. Weezy, Pita, and AB were headed outside to play as the adults sat around a chatted. A normal, easy-going family dinner.

And then all hell broke loose.

We hear AB scream and cry. And then Weezy is screaming "SHE'S DRIPPING BLOOD EVERYWHERE!"

Now, six hours later, after a trip to the ER and after surgery to reattach the tip of her pinkie finger, AB is resting. And we wait to see if the finger will heal or if she will lose the tip.

I am thankful it was her pinkie and not all of her fingers.

I am thankful that it was the tip and not further down to involve the joints in her finger.

I am thankful that AB is a strong, healthy little girl to be able to come through surgery so well.

PS - Apparently, The Incredible Woody should be known as The Cool-As-A-Cucumber-When-Faced-With-Dangling-Fingertips Woody.


Unknown said...

Oh no! That has to hurt bad. I'm praying that brave AB heals completely.

The Good Eater said...

Wow! That had to be scary. I hope AB and her pinkie have a speedy recovery.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Oh no! I hope she's doing okay! And that you're recovering too : )

Mental P Mama said...

OMG!!! Sending hugs and lots of ice.

imom said...

Oh no! I've been there with my daughter when she was only 18 months old... Don't want to go there again. I hope she recovers quickly!

Snooty Primadona said...

In the not so distant past I accidentally cut the tip off my right ring finger and left middle finger. Even at my ripe old age, they grew back just fine... well, with the help of stitches. Now, feeling in said fingertips has never quite been the same. But you can't always have everything, right? So apparently Dr. Woody stayed cool in the face of an emergency, huh? Good for you!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Ouch! Sorry about all that. Sending hugs to all and prayers for a speedy recovery.

mom x 2 said...

Oh NOOOO! Thoughts and prayers are with you and AB for a speedy recovery!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I will be praying for her little finger...poor baby girl!

Asthmagirl said...

Poor little Pinky!
Good job staying calm IW!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Woody, That is scary... Alot of blood can make something seem worse than it was. How did she do it????

Glad she is okay...

Tell us about your BIG weekend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Poor baby.
I hope all is well now.

T said...

Poor AB...

I hope the finger heals and shed's ok! I hope Auntie and the grown ups are Ok!

Leedra said...

I was left wondered "how did she do it?"...hopefully all will be ok.

Linda said...

It sounds like you have a brave little girl. We have had things like that happen with the kids and grandkids, and can only be amazed at the strength they can show.

Blessings to each of you!