Sunday, July 5, 2009

Floatin' on the River

Vol Fan has an old friend that still lives in Knoxville. I'll call him Copper - pretty ingenious of me since he is a cop!

Copper is quite the outdoors man and has access to a flotilla of kayaks and canoes. Vol Fan and I begged and pleaded until he had pity on us and took us for a float trip on the river.

We went north of Knoxville and floated about 4 hours down the French Broad River.

It was glorious! That section of river is wide and easy going. But it was flowing pretty fast due to TVA letting water through the dam at Douglas Lake. So we just floated, occasionally dipping the paddle in to keep the bow straight.

The weather was perfect - warm but not too hot, slight breeze blowing, white puffy clouds moving lazily across the blue sky.

We listened to birds sing. Watched fish jump. Marveled at the sheer cliffs that occasionally line the river. Picked out the perfect riverfront property.

It was a perfect day!


(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Is that Copper in the background? Meow. SSG likes those arms!

Oh and YES! The rest looks glorious too! ; )

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Goodness---There can't be anything much better than that, Woody. What a wonderful day to enjoy a beautiful summer day.

My question--IF you floated down the river, how did you get back to get your cars/trucks?????? Maybe someone met you all at the other end.

Did you get to the fireworks in Knoxville??? We watched it on TV.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

What fun Woody!
We canoe some of the rivers in the mountains. Beautiful shots!

Unknown said...

I am so jealous! You guys look like you are really enjoying that lazy river trip. I'm planning my next trip to TN.

I used to kayak a lot, but in the ocean...the river looks so cool and serene.

imom said...

It looks so peaceful there! The photographs are beautiful.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This looks like a perfect day!!! Love the pictures and you were able to keep your hair looking cute the whole time?..Fabulous!!!

I Am Woody said...

SSG - And he has the abs to match. And he is single! When are you coming to visit??

Lori said...

That looks fun! Just looking at these pictures brought back memories of doing this way too long ago.

Desert Survivor said...

That looks like so much fun!!!

asthmagirl said...

Look at you go! How pretty that water is!

Mental P Mama said...

Beautiful! And what great shots;)

mom x 2 said...

I never been to the river, but I love love love Douglas Lake! Prettiest place I have ever been! Your pics are beautiful!

jay said...

Oh, that does look lovely! I want to know how you got back, too! I mean, the river washed you all down there, but I can't see it washing you back up!

cornbread hell said...

suhweet. i can almost taste it.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

SSG is booking her ticket ; ) Do you think we should maybe tell him first though?

Unknown said...

I love your hair. Is that a new style? It looks smashing.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to take my kids canoeing at some point. We tried kayaking at a friends' lakehouse and my son LOVED it! Great pics!