Monday, March 14, 2011

While (Not) Whale Watching

During our un-whale watching, this is what we did see...
And then something went squirrelly with blogger image turn your monitor 90* to the right:)


Busy Bee Suz said...

Gorgeous views!!!!!!
But, now my neck hurts. :)
You need to download LIVEWRITER. IT is better than using blogger to write/load photos. Promise.

Tammy said...

Who needs whales with all those other lovely sights surrounding you?

Susan said...

It looks like you had a gorgeous day! There is no more beautiful place on earth, as far as I am concerned.

Caution/Lisa said...

Love your reflection in his glasses! (My neck cracked loudly when I turned my head. Could you put some pix the other way so I can crack the other side?)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Woody, Well---even if you saw no whales, you did see some gorgeous scenery... I'd enjoy that boat ride...
