Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fun With Hummingbirds


Busy Bee Suz said...

How fun is that????? I had one follow me around before because I was wearing a red shirt!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how neat.... You and VolFan have some new pets!!!! That is AWESOME...

Snooty Primadona said...

I am so completely jealous I could spit or something. I'm in awe of your pictures. Really. I've read that hummingbirds are actually the most social of all birds. I was standing on our back stoop one day wearing a red top and 2 little hummers came right up to me like I had some *go juice*. Cracked me up.

Tell Vol Fan I'm thinking he reminds me of Jake in Avatar, LOL!

Remember when I did that blog post on the hummer feeder that you wear? I still want one reeeeeally bad.


George said...

This is really neat. You have more hummingbirds than we do.

Tammy said...

That is so cool! Hummingbirds really are amazing. We have a big one who frequently visits the flowers one the patio while we are sitting out there!