Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Dance Company Recital 2012

Pita and AB performed in their dance recital on the 12th of May.  As the official photographer and "Dance Mom" of the children of the studio owner, I had free rein of the place!  Yes, Prima Ballerina has her nickname for a reason:)

Of course, the preparation includes getting to put on enough makeup that you will show up on stage.  For little girls (and some big girls!), that is the best thing ever!

I was able to get the girls to pose together for one pre-show photograph.  As you can tell from their stiff smiles, they are crazy nervous and ready for me to get the camera away from them!

Pita has always been very confident while on stage.  And this year was no different.  She performed two dances - ballet and jazz.  Somebody forgot to have her pull her tights down over her feet - I hope I don't get fired as "Dance Mom" next year!

Since this was AB's first recital (she was sick last year), we wondered how she would do.  Would she just stand there and glare at the audience?  [That is what Pita did during the first dance of her first recital!  Haha!]   Or would she revel in the attention?  We knew it could fall either way depending on her mood, how much sleep she had the night before, etc.  But she absolutely ate it up!

As the curtain opened, I saw that she was smiling.  And she kept that smile glued to her face the entire time.  She was very proud of her ability to dance and smile.  She was able to rub it in when we saw The Drug Dealer the next day.  That story goes back a few years....when The Drug Dealer was younger, she took dance from Prima Ballerina.  The Boss Man and Home Brew liked to tease her about not smiling while on stage.  She would concentrate on the moves so hard that she did not smile.  So they said that she could either dance or smile.  But not both!

During the recital, Pita was presented with a trophy for having taken dance for 5 years.  Quite a feat for a 7 year old!

After the recital, we tried to get photos of the girls.  But AB was coming down from her performance high and was having none of it!

We look forward to another wonderful performance next year!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How fun! What beautiful girls :-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Awesome photos... What precious girls. So glad you got to be there for their recital. NEAT!!!!


George said...

I'm sure you won't lose your title of 'Dance Mom' next year. The pictures are adorable. Thanks for taking me back in memory to my daughter's first dance recitals.

Mental P Mama said...

How adorable are they????

Busy Bee Suz said...

HEY! IT is hard work doing TWO things at once....
Love these photos. I love that Prima Ballerina has such a great dance mom and photographer too!
I hope she doesn't act like that crazy dance teacher on "dance moms'!!! LOL