Monday, May 7, 2012

Lessons From War

Last weekend was War Days in Old Clinton, Georgia.  It is located about 1/2 mile from our lodging so Vol Fan and I decided to check things out.  

There was an encampment by the 16th Georgia, CSA and 3rd Wisconsin, USA.  Both are Civil War re-enactor groups.  We were amazed at the hard work and expense that these people put into their hobby.  The home in the background of this photograph was built circa 1825.

Whole families were dressed in period clothing.  This little girl was playing and her friend went beyond what was obviously her boundary.  She stood looking so forlorn that my imagination carried me away.  I could just imagine her watching her Daddy leave to meet his unit as they headed to battle.

The highlight of the day was the re-enactment of The Battle of Sunshine Church, which took place on July 31, 1864.  It was part of the Atlanta Campaign. 

[Sidebar:  The Battle of Peachtree Creek took place just 11 days prior to this battle.  Peachtree Creek is significant to our family history.  Vol Fan's third great-grandfather, Hazel Jones (52nd Georgia CSA, Company I) was taken captive by the Union army during this battle.  He had also been captured at Vicksburg but gained his freedom by swearing his allegiance to the Union and vowing to fight no more.  I think he might have been lying :/   Since this was his second time being captured, he was sent to Camp Douglas, a prison camp in Chicago, where he died from small pox.]

Back to the war.

There were generals....

And artillery.

There were Union troops...

And Confederate troops.

There was rifle fire...

And cannon fire.

There were wounded...

And casualties.

In the end, we learned that war is hell...

But the true lesson of the day is the fact that battlefield funnel cake stands are awesome!  ;)


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hee hee. Because battlefields are known for their funnel cakes?

Have you ever read the book Confederates in the Attic? Quite a read!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, you had me until that last part. Funnel cakes? You are a hoot.
Vol Fan has a very very rich family history....loved all these photos!!!

Anonymous said...

Really cool photos! We have a similar reenactment that goes on here in Cincinnati. I might have to take my kids once they get into history a little more...

Mental P Mama said...

I love the women's journals from the war....nice shots!