Yes, we ventured to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on a Saturday in July. For those in the know, the only thing worse would be venturing to Pigeon Forge on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
But we did it because we were on a mission.......
We put ourselves into big plastic balls and rolled down a hill. Yes, we went Zorbing!!

First, it was my turn. Tri Girl wanted me to go so I could give her signals of whether it was fun or scary. I don't know if "Aaaaahhhhhh" was exactly the signal she was looking for but that was what she got.
They start by pouring approximately 10 gallons of water into the inner chamber. Then you are supposed to run and dive (Super Man style) through the entry hole. It would work out perfectly if your ass wasn't bigger than the entry hole. But mine was and I got stuck! So while wiggling, the attendant had to turn the ball to dump me inside. Thank God, the entry hole was on the opposite side of the audience! And then down I went!
Next it was Tri Girl's turn! Her behind was small enough to fit through the opening but she was short enough that she got hung on her stomach and had to be dumped in as well. When she got out, she was ready to go again and again and again.
Then came Vol Fan. If he got stuck on the way in, he's not telling!!
It was an absolute blast!!
Oh my !! Never, never never would I be able to do that !!
Oh my gosh, how fun does that look?! Is it safe for young kids (8, 5 and 3)?
I don't know why I'm asking, because I live in Michigan, not Tennessee. But it looks like a great time and a good leg and ab workout.
OMG Lori, you had me LOL at the thought of your ass getting stuck. That is something that would happen to me.
It looks fun but I am claustrophobic.
My 12 yr. olds eyes bugged out when I showed her this post - lol. She said, "OMG, I want to do that!"
Looks like fun - too bad I'm claustrophobic. haha.
#1 - You can do anything with enough alcohol!!
Cardiogirl - Sorry, but the minimum age is 8! Abs?? What are they??
PP - I was just glad the opening was facing away from the people waiting in line so just the worker got an eyeful!!
MTM - If she likes water slides, she would LOVE it!
I tried to post a comment earlier, but Blogger hates me today for some reason :(
My stomach turned just THINKING about getting into that thing. I once had a BAD experience on a carnival ride........
Big Hair - Sometimes Blogger can be so mean :( OMG - I feel for you, I just love roller coasters!!!
The Hamster called said he wants his ball back and whats next ?....the wheel?!!
I'd soooo puke inside this thing
Keeper - LOL - Yeah, it's not for those weak of stomach!!
AHHHH LOL looks like a blast!!!
I so want to do that! Hey, I'm a real daredevil... I went parasailing in Mexico and lived to tell the tale.
And yes, alcohol can help us to make many bad, I mean good decisions, lol.
#2 - Believe me, it was!!!
Snooty - Come on up, I'll go with you! I'm a bit of a daredevil myself - Parasailing is SOOO much fun! We went in FL one time - from the air we saw a hammerhead shark. Made us a little leery about playing in the surf!!
Yeah, alcohol can lead to a lot of of those "Hey, ya'll, watch this" moments!!
That looks like so much fun! The initial dive into the ball would definitely get my heart pumping. Thanks for trying it and letting us know how it is! Maybe someday....
Desert - If you ever get the chance, it is well worth the initial embarassment!!
that looks awesome!!
Now...that bluish thing in the second pic from the bottom---is that the valve to get you in? do they take it back out? how do you keep from bonking yourself on that thing during the ride?
VV - Yes, that is the entry. On the other balls, the valve was clear so it didn't show up as good. The ball has an inner chamber with the valve connecting it to the outside. The bottom picture shows my husband inside. Once you are in, they zip that puppy closed and you are stuck!!
Now I know what I want for my month away 35th birthday!
Formerly - Now I get it - I thought you meant you took a month off to celebrate your birthday. I was thinking I needed to do that too!
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