I have been given the "Arte y Pico" award, which I think translates to "Wow! These are wonderful, good-looking people and they are fantastic bloggers!" Seriously, this award was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and contribute to the blogging community. So I can't really figure out why I received it - but I'll play along.
Winners must:
1) Award five blogs that contribute to the blogging community through creativity, design, and interesting material, regardless of language.
2) Name each of the five blog authors and provide a link to his or her blog.
3) Award recipients must show the Arte y Pico Award image and the name of the award-giving blog author, as well as the award-giving blog author’s blog link.
4) Award recipients must provide a link to the Arte y Pico blog.
5) Award recipients must show these rules.
There are a lot of very good blogs out there. I am going to try to pass this award along to others that I read regularly and that have not already won this award.
- The Fat Cyclist - He introduced me to blogging. I stumbled across him quite by accident and he sucked me into his world so thoroughly that I went back and read several years worth of archives. He is a cyclist (road and mountain) that struggles with his weight. He is also very devoted to his family - his wife is fighting breast cancer that has metastasized.
- Corinne - She is a lot of fun and is absolutely stunning. She also has a great family that she regularly tells on!
- Desert Survivor - I love this blog because the desert calls to me!! And she is also very informative.
- The Keeper of All Things - She just a blender full of fun. Plus she was bitchin' just the other day about getting an award. So Happy Late Birthday - I just love ya'!
- Pleasing Procrastinator - One of her mottos in her sidebar is something that is very near and dear to my heart. "A clean house is a sign of a wasted life!" Amen, sistah!!
- OK so I'm cheating and doing an extra. So sue me! I just love that cool broad. She is so cool!! Plus she gives great advice on fashion, style, beauty products, etc.
There are a whole bunch of others that I love, love, love. Take a gander at the ones listed in my sidebar!! I just love all my new friends that I have met since I was introduced to this crazy world of blogs!!
Congratulations!!! You. Are. Awesome.
BTW - How did you get that picture on your site? Just asking.
Big Hair - Thanks!!!
I just right-clicked on the picture and then did "save as" to my hard drive. Then it was just load as usual.
Awesome!!! Congrats!!! Show it off with pride, you deserve it!
Thanks you so much for including me in your list! Your the BEST!!! Hugs!
I have three of those coveted Arte Y Pico awards..they are going on ebay.
Congratulations Lori, I must say you DO contibute to My blogging community. You are a MUST read for me. So I say you deserved this award.
I must Thank You from the bottom of my heart for bestowing this prestigious award upon me. My first award...Yey.
Hi Lori,
Congrats! Your blog is lots of fun to read! You've got a great sense of humor.
Thanks for sharing the award with me.
......squeak......squeaky squeak.......squeak!!!!!!!
oh did you hear something?!!!
LOL thank you I really really appreciate .....or something like that if i could spell
Corinne - Display it with pride, you deserve it!!
Grandma J - Have you made much off of them?
PP - You are a daily must-read for me too!!
Desert - Thanks but most people just think I'm a goofball!
Keeper - What?! I heard nothing.....
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