Between writing my posts and reading the multitude of others that I simply cannot miss, blogging is taking over my life! So I have had to place myself in 'blogging time out'.
The new rule - no blogging before noon! As you can see by the time of this post, I'm not very good at following the rules.
Before noon? What the hell would I do at 5am in the morning?
#1 - Are ya' crazy? I am soooooo not awake at 5am!
You KILL me!!! I don't think I could follow that rule either. Is there a 12 Step Program for Blogger Addiction?
Not that I need it or anything....
it is addictive isnt it??
I wish I could make aliving at it...Id become a workaholic.
It's noon somewhere...right?
Blogging was my only reason for retiring.....
actually, blogging is my whole reason for living.
I have been wondering if I really should go back to my part-time job at the school this fall. It would cut into my blogging time.
I would say, I am an ADDICT.
I know what you mean, blogging is so addictive!
Big Hair - If not, we should start one!
VV - Maybe we should put our heads together - surely there is some way we could make some $$!
#2 - Hey, yeah - now I don't have to follow my rule!
Grandma J - I just hope I don't get fired!!
PP - Why work when you can blog!?!
Desert - So do you want to join the 12 step program too?
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