It just happens to be from 2004! It is Weezy holding one of Dixie's pups. Poor Weezy, she loves animals. Any and all animals but she is allergic! That doesn't seem to stop her from loving on them when she can.
I am also supposed to pick 4 peeps to tag with this but I'm going to do a little change up. If you are running out of gas on the idea generator like I have been with all of these gray days, consider yourself tagged!
I just couldn't resist showing another pic of my grandbabies.
I got tagged too so I will be posting soon! Mine is a puppy pic too!
I just Love them pups!
Hi Woody, It's 6 degrees this morning on the plateau.. Brrrrr... We got more snow yesterday but no more accumulation much.
My mother used to tell me that "I" was allergic to animals. I believe that she was just saying that, so they wouldn't have to get me a pet!!!! They finally bought me a cat when I was in high school. No allergies here!!! ha
Adorable pictures! You can see the love in the first picture. Puppies are the cutest things.
I swore that I wouldn't get any more dogs once ours is gone; however, those pups sure could pursuade me to reconsider!!! Too cute!!
how cute!
I might do a lil photo album post idea generator doesnt work at temeratures below freezing.
how cute!
I might do a lil photo album post idea generator doesnt work at temeratures below freezing.
now why did that post twice?
They are so cute! Wheezy is adorable too : ).
How adorable. I love puppies,and little kids with them. The always seem to have a special bond.
Those puppies are the cutest ... except for Weezy of course.
How CUTE....
Oh and the kid not bad either
I So Want One Of Those Cuties! Cuddle bugs, for sure.
It's nice & hot here in Texas. Want to come for a visit? hehe
Wait. Was there a kid?
Dixie makes pretty babies.
Of course weezy is adorable also...but she only has 2 legs..I'm just sayin'.
The other day, you told me you let Dixie out and went to sleep...well it must be contagious, cause that SAME night, I let the dogs out, went to bed to watch TV (w/ a glass of wine) and forgot the dogs for an entire hour.
They were sitting on the porch..just a waitin'. of course it was only 55 degrees here....but still.
bad mommies we are.
I love puppies and the way they have the puppy smell(I know, weird).
They are so darn cute! Makes me want a dog although I said no more after I had to put my dog of 17 years to sleep.
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