Yes, my tongue is black. I have not been eating licorice. Or licking the pavement.
The first time this affliction reared its ugly head was my first semester at college. Away from home. Alone. For the first time. And my tongue turned black.
Seriously, I thought I was dying. I had been to Mexico a couple of years prior and had been bitten by a monkey. I was convinced that I had contracted some terrible tropical disease and that it had just been dormant until now.
So I went to the clinic on campus. When they asked what was wrong, I would stick out my tongue.
They would jump slightly and make an awful face until they regained their composure and went about their medical business. About 6 or 7 different people looked at my tongue. No one had any idea what was wrong.
Just as they were readying the paperwork to send me to the hospital for tests, another doctor showed up. So they had him look at my tongue.
His first question - "Have you had an upset stomach lately?"
My answer - "Why, yes. Just last night."
He then asked if I had taken anything for it and if so, what was it?
I told him that I had taken Pepto-Bismal. And then, he started laughing.
Apparently, some people (including me) have a weird chemical reaction to something in Pepto-Bismal which turns their tongue black. It just goes away after a few days.
I have never heard of this before! I hope that your tongue returns to it's normal color soon!
That's crazy. PeptoBismol, huh?
Well now we know. Thanks for the "Inquiring Minds Want to Know " tip of the day!
I will sleep good tonight ^_^
Oh my gosh...I would have flipped out too and thought I had some crazy disease!!!!
I hope your belly is ok now....I suppose pink + your belly = black.
Black is the new pink. or is it pink is the new black? I dunno....
That's a riot! I mean as long as you feel fine.
You could have milked this into a three day blog...you know, the story about the rabid monkey in Mexico, the cute doctor at the clinic.
Thank goodness they didn't send you off to the hospital, huh?
I've never heard of that, Woody.. Seems like your tongue would turn bright PANK!!!! ha ha....
At least you know that you aren't dying from some weird tropical disease!!! ha
LOL. Well, at least it wasn't a Chow Chow that bit you, because then I really would have been worried.
Pepto-Bismol - who knew.
That's the first sign of Hairy Tongue disease!!
Whew, what a relief!
You had me on the edge of my seat.
YAY!! I have learned something. Before I even got to the part, and although I am not licensed to diagnose, Pepto came to mind.
It would be weird tho, remember the hairy tongue picture I posted? Ewwww!!
Oh, I thought maybe you had some Chow somewhere in your bloodline.
Odd. And thats all I can say about that...
No way! That is crazy! You look skinnier : ).
I can't believe I am the only one here that has heard of that before! LOL.
This happened to my best friend in high school. We were so afraid; and she started crying! I can't remember how but it was determined by her mom I think that it was from Pepto Bismo tablets;she left one in her mouth during the night and her tongue turned black.
Oh and congrats on your award from Suz. :D
Well thank goodness it was something so simple and unthreatening!
You were bitten by a monkey? I'd have freaked out completely and would have been convinced I was going to die of rabies!
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