New camera - yay!!

Vol Fan with his new ride after a long and dirty day working at Royal St. Cloud Golf Club.
SeaWorld Orlando

Vol Fan took the children and dogs shopping at Downtown Disney.

A day at sea!

A day at the beach.

A day at DisneyWorld!

Weezy and I at Bubba Gump's in Ormond Beach with Home Brew, Crafty, College Girl, and Soccer Boy.

A day at SeaWorld with Weezy.


Pita's Fourth Birthday!

Me with AB and Pita at Vol Fan's birthday party.

I like to take pictures of babies when they cry.

And I like to take pictures of babies when they smile.

Just one big happy family!

Karaoke party!

1st Annual IWVF Pigaroo!

Christmas day...

PS - I have someone that needs your prayers. A friend (she has posted her journal on Caring Bridge) that I graduated from high school with has just been diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She is only 41 and has 3 children. I am scared for her. My mom was 42 at diagnosis....so I pedal.
Great pics as usual.
I will be praying for your friends recovery. I know it's too close to home for you.
I love all the pics!
Got your girlfriend in my prayers chickie.
I know firsthand that prayer is a powerful thing.
Going over to visit her now!
Great pics, showing great times.
I agree with Noe Noe, prayer is a powerful thing. I will pray for your friend.
Your photos show what a wonderful family you have, and so many good memories. This blogging stuff is awesome for staying organized! And for reaching out and letting us know who needs help--your friend is in my prayers.
I love family pictures! These are great - everyone looks so happy! Although, it does look like the family might have gotten a bit too much keratin in their diet while at Disney. Ha!
Sending +++ thoughts and prayers to your friend.
I loved all the pictures but am sorry to hear about your friend's battle with cancer. It's never a pretty fight. I too, will pray hard.
The pictures are fantastic. How did you do the underwater shot with your feet out of the water.
My prayers are with Dawn and her family as they travel this journey. She seems like a strong woman, evident by the way she has handled everything from the start. Prayer is powerful medicine, and I have faith in God always.
More fun pictures and your friend is in my prayers. Scary stuff...and it makes you enjoy the moments like these even more...
I will be praying for your friend. And I love all the pictures from these past couple of days...a year in pictures...these pictures say so much. I love your smile and your husbands smile too. It looks like you have a great time on this adventure with your husband and so many loved ones!
Vol Fan is such a good guy! It's amazing how he was able to get the kids AND the dogs to stand still for you to snap a picture. Bwahahaha!
You look really cute in your glasses. You should wear those more often:)
My prayers go out to your friend. It could be any one of us at any time - keep pedaling:)
Love the pictures....such a year!
I also LOVE your glasses...you look SO smart!!!
**dawn is in my prayers...wishing her the best and fastest recovery and getting on with her life**
Looks like Woody and VolFan are having entirely too much fun... You two have really had a great year, haven't you????
More Great Pictures. Thanks!
I will pray for your friend.
I love your picture! I will pray for your friend! Thanks for sharing! I am going to get a blank book to put right here by the computer so I can keep better track of prayer requests! I love that God hears our prayers and listens...
So, no baby for me...at least not yet. Kaish found it in the garage and brought it in and said he wants a baby to put in it. ME TOO!
I am going to leave it there for a while so Gary will feel motivated : ).
Well hello! LOVE your photos! And your sweet family! And dude, REI's scratch and dent sale? Are you SURE you're not in the Northwest? I can hear the whole state's ears perk up at the mere mention!
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