Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not Enough Hours

There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day lately.

I am still playing catch-up at work. I still haven't gotten back to where I need to be after our vacation and then my little jaunt to Memphis with Pita. Now I'm trying to work ahead, too - I'll be out of the office on Thursday and Friday for Bonnaroo. And for some reason, everyone still wants a paycheck on Friday!

Plus work is finally picking up - woohoo!! We can all stay gainfully employed for another season! But that means I am buried under an ever-increasing pile of paper!

I have been testing the camping equipment. It would really suck to arrive at Bonnaroo to camp for 4 days and then realize the tent was broken.

I am back on the bike. I can ride 11 miles. (At least, I think it is 11 miles - I can't find my bike computer!) Damn, I have a LONG way to go.

I am still in physical therapy. It is helping but it is a real time suck.

Warm weather draws me outside. I have a great need to sit on the patio, rocking. Or on the front porch, rocking. Or fussing at Dixie for once again digging up the flowers. Or thinking about pulling weeds.

And I won't even go into my obsession with Farm Town on Facebook. Damn you, Farm Town inventors!

So, blog peeps, please accept my apologies for not commenting on your blogs. I am reading - I promise! But by the end of the day when I am cruising blogland, all I can muster up is "LOL" or "LMAO" or some such. And you deserve much more.

PS - I have made a summer resolution. I will let the girls out of their harness as much as decency will allow. Be free, girls!!


Unknown said...

Yes...damn that farm town. It sucks life right out of me!!!

I can not wait to see how much fun you have on your music trip! So jealous.

I agree about the girls being out. Totally with you on that, although I think I must have octuplets!!

T said...

Woohooo Bonnaroo - I'm hoping to be there next year!
Can't wait to hear about it.

My girls aren't allowed that much freedom....so not a good thing!

Unknown said...

Let's hear it for setting the girls free!!

imom said...

I hope you have a great time at Bonnaroo! I can't wait to hear all about it and which bands you end up seeing.

I've already set my girls free every chance I get!

Anonymous said...

My girls regularly stage a rebellion of epic proportions. They are accomplished escape artists. Help!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Take it easy, Woody---and do what you have to do and what you WANT to do... We'll miss you ---but we do understand.

Take good care of those girls.. You don't ever want them looking like mine, pointing down... HA HA HA HA


Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so funny. Let the girls run wild for Bonnaroo. :0
Take care, suz

mom x 2 said...

Have fun at Bonnaroo! and love the resolution!! Be free girls be free!

The Good Eater said...

Girls just want to have fun!

Mental P Mama said...

You and the girls have yourselves a very good time!!!

Desert Survivor said...

You're so funny! And love the comments.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I understand about the blog thing. Summer is a busy time for us all!Have a good time at the Bonnroo girls!

Snooty Primadona said...

I think everyone understands this time of year about the blogging. The people needing checks might not be so understanding though.

After reading about your trip to Memphis, I'm thoroughly exhausted. You guys really did a lot of things...

Now I have to go see what Farm Town is. Am I going to hate you for this?


Leedra said...

Heavens....never heard of Farm Town, but got an invite to join Facebook this week. From somebody I can't even figure out who it is. Was asked to join Twitter a month or so ago. Like I need another obsession. I can't do anything a little. Just like blogging. When I blog I think I HAVE to post at least once a day, and I HAVE to visit every single post of the people I visit. So I just have not been doing anything. If I don't go to the computer at all I can sorta resist the temptation.

Lori said...

I am totally with you on the time thing. There is not enough time to do what needs to be done every flippin day. I am glad to hear that your back on the bike. Also glad to hear that your going to give the girls some freedom this summer...lol...you are just so funny. I have been absent for the past month and while I have on occasion gotten to read for a few minutes, there has been no time to comment...I agree with you about not wanting to leave mindless comments. I have missed stopping by here...hope you have a great time rockin out! Hugs, Lori

Ed & Jeanne said...

The important thing is...how was Bonnaroo? Who did you like? Start sharing! ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah...with summer it's hard to sit down and write, let alone read what everyone else is doing. So I don't blame ya one bit. Enjoy your summer,let your girls out and don't worry about it. I'll be here! :-)

As for boobages, go check out my friends over at Boob Emancipation! They are showin' em off for fun! I visit every day...LOL