Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is what your ankle is supposed to look like.

This is what am MRI showed that my ankle looks like.

Yes, the Anterior Talofibular Ligament is gone. Completely gone. And you see that nice little pad of white on the bone under the missing ligament? That is damaged, too.

Yes, the cast. All the physical therapy. It was for nothing. You can't heal something that isn't there. Apparently last fall when all this began with my very quick trip down the attic stairs, I tore the ligament, completely in half. All that is left is the tiny frayed ends.


I get to have ligament reconstruction surgery on the 21st. It is going to include a 12-week recovery time. Doesn't that just sound grand?

Seriously, though - I am glad to finally know what the problem is. I am tired of listening to myself whine about it.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Girl, Sometimes when we go through something, until we know what the cause REALLY is, it's harder than anything we've ever gone through. We go through times when we question ourselves and believe we may be the 'nutty' one.

BUT--once we find out what the real problem is, we can deal with it ---and be able to go on with our lives. I'm sure that you are really glad to find out WHAT is wrong ---and then get it corrected.

I'm sorry this has happened to you, Woody, but I'm glad they found it and can FIX it. Keep us posted.
Hugs and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

I agree with Betsy. That sucks but it's good that they found the problem and can fix it! :-)

Clippy Mat said...

ouch! but at least you KNOW and that's half the battle. good luck!

Unknown said...

OUCH! Good luck, and glad they discovered the problem.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Oy. Vey.

SSG and her ankle are sending you good thoughts--we've been through two surgeries together and made it and know you will too.

Stack up those books, magazines and DVD's homegirl. And accept every ounce of sympathy that you get from being on crutches. Though my guess is you're probably sick of that already ...

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I felt better when I found out what was wrong with me...only it has taken more than 12 weeks to fix! Hang in there baby.

T said...

Damn girl!

At least you know what the problem is (for me, that's 1/2 the battle) and it can be fixed!

Hang in there and I here to help!!

Linda said...

Oh my is always something, isn't it?

At least they know what is wrong, and hopefully they know how to fix it.

Keep us posted on the progress!

Unknown said...

I will be praying both for you and with you. Foot surgery is not fun and you will need lots of love and patience to help you through this, but imagine how well you will feel after it's done.

Lisa said...

Oh no! Never heard that you could have a missing ligament. Bless your heart.

Mental P Mama said...

Ouch! Sending fast healing vibes!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Whine away...this does not sound fun at all. I am sorry all the prior work/pain has been for nothing, but you are right, now you know the problem.
Sending you good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

ouch! Glad they found the problem though and relief is on its way...

where did the ligament go? Its floating around space somewhere with mismatched socks and my extra house key...

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Owwie! I have the same question as vinyl village... where the heck is it?

imom said...

Well at least you know what the problem is. Hopefully in 12 weeks you will be all fixed up and good as new! I'll be sending fast healing thoughts your way

Lori said...

Oh dear...I am so sorry but glad that you finally know what the problem is. I meet with my surgeon for my shoulder next week...too bad we weren't neighbors and could recover together! I will be praying for a quick recovery!