Monday, September 7, 2009

What Not To Do On Labor Day

When the economy is in the toilet...

And when unemployment is at a 25 year high...

And when you are hanging on to your job by a very thin thread because of your failure to show up for work and a very disrespectful attitude...

And your boss allows you to work extra hours on Friday so you can have Saturday off...

A day that no one else got off, not even the boss...

And he specifically tells you "See you Monday"...

And you don't show up for work (for about the 4th or 5th time with no better excuse than I pulled a really big drunk last night and just couldn't get up or I was really tired, etc)...

Don't be surprised when your job is not yours anymore.

Don't be surprised when you go to file for unemployment and get rejected.

When you get fired, you don't collect unemployment.

Hope that self-made holiday was worth it.

Just an FYI, it would have only been a measly 5 hours out of your day. They are only working til lunch.

PS - Getting rid of employees that have terrible attitudes and work ethics and are a drain on the collective output of his crew makes Vol Fan a very happy camper!


Linda said...

I agree with BBS...whoever it was is an idiot.

With the job situation in this day and age, and not about to get better any time soon, the ones that want to work will get the jobs. The ones that think the government will help them are going to be really disappointed when they don't. BO isn't going to help, not even his 'own people.'

T said...


Unknown said...

And don't let the door slap you in the arse on your way out.

Let me ask...did this piece of garbage ask for severence pay?

Thank goodness he wasn't a union member, because you'd never be able to fire him. I suffered through that scenario once.

Lori said...

You are right, a person is an idiot for making these kinds of choices with the state of joblessness and our economy. Aparently they didn't really want their job!

Anonymous said...

Not the smartest bulb in the box...

Unknown said...

Tell me it wasn't you...(I'm joking!!!)

Hire me...hire me...hire me...I have a great attitude and work ethic. Even more so lately.

Just joking again...well not really, but you know what I mean.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Oh mah lawd, I was reading this thinking to myself "this doesn't sound like Woody at all." SO GLAD to hear it wasn't!

You had SSG worried there for a second!

The Good Eater said...

I don't think we have to worry about him going on welfare. There's always some girl, woman, mother, whatever who will jump at the chance to take care of him and make sure he doesn't run out of beer.

Caution/Lisa said...

Whew! It took me a couple of minutes to realize you weren't talking about me.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Yep dumbass for sure!

big hair envy said...

It never ceases to amaze me. We have had employees who acted as if THEY were doing US a favor by showing up!

imom said...

Someone like that does not deserve a job!