Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Car Show

I'm not a car nut by any stretch of the imagination but I do enjoy a classic car show.  I love the attention to detail on these beauties.  They make me want to put on a fabulous scarf and a pair of pink cat-eye sunglasses and cruise down Route 66.

I always love seeing a perfectly restored '57 Chevy.  One in this exact color was my Dad's first car.  He loved that car.  Life came along and he got rid of it.  He regrets it to this day.  If I ever hit the Powerball, I will buy one for him!

This sweet moonshine-running Ford was parked next to a fabulous Corvette.  I loved the reflection in the mirror finish!

I loved this Willys.  They are the people that invented the jeep.  Very cool!

This one makes me want to race someone:)

Maybe I am a car nut after all!


George said...

These are wonderful cars. Thanks for sharing these great pictures with us. I found the last photo was bitter-sweet, however. I had a Camaro like that when I got married, but then our first child came along and I traded it in for a station wagon. You won't believe how much that hurt!

Unknown said...

These cars are very cool!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm not a car nut, but I do like your pictures!

I found the post w/ the pics from Terlingua, if you're interested in it - I don't usually put links in comments, because I feel like it's a little bit spammy, but I didn't see your email enabled after you commented on my post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love old 'classic' cars. I grew up learning to drive on a 1950 Pontiac.. Then, Daddy bought a 1955 Oldsmobile 98.... It was HUGE.... I used to wash and wax it... Back then, we had whitewall tires ---so I had to work hard to keep them clean... SUCH great memories...


Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all wonderful.
So, did you buy your powerball tickets yet???

Desert Survivor said...

Super photos!