- Your age on your next birthday - 42

- A place you'd like to travel - Bora Bora

- Your favorite place - Fernandina Beach, FL
- Your favorite object - Big, comfy bed
- Your favorite food - Pasta
- Your favorite animal - Boxer puppies
- Your favorite color - Blue
- The town where you were born - Nashville, Tennessee
- The town where you live - Knoxville, Tennessee (Go Vols!!)
- The name of a past pet - Jo Jo
- Name of a past love - Larry Mullen (drummer for U2)
- Your nickname - Woody

- Bad habit of yours - Procrastination
- Your first job - Concession stand attendant
- Name of grandmother - Florence
- College major - Accounting
U2....man oh man I would do Bono in a heartbeat......oh how i love that man.
Just askin'!
This is such a cool post! I'm glad "nothing" was going on in your life today :)
I started out in accounting about 20 yrs ago and never finished...hehe
I enjoyed this post. It's a really neat idea.
I wouldn't say you got nothing -- you definitely got something:
A giant woody!
Seriously, this was really cool! I love the Bora Bora photo and . . . that's interesting what came up for "Jo Jo"!
And, um, sista #2? Hands OFF the Bono!
JD at I Do Things
#2 - Yea, Bono is pretty hot!!
Big Hair - My nickname is sooo not from the road that picture makes is seem. I used to babysit a little girl and she couldn't say my name. It came out as Woody and my husband picked it up and has called me that ever since.
PP - Yea, accounting!! It took me about 12 years to get through.
JD - Ok, so other than a giant woody, I got nothin'! I have told my husband that he better start saving because for our 25th anniversary he is taking (or sending) me to Bora Bora!!
I love Fernandina Beach too! My Dad was born there and we go back to visit every so often. The huge, wooden boner...don't know what to say about that:)
I didn't know the drummer for U2 was so hot. . . wow.
TCB - We spent the summer of 2006 there working on a golf course and I think I had the most perfect 6 months of my life. We are thinking of making that our homebase! As for the giant woody, I think it speaks for itself:-)
Queen - Man, I was in lust with him forever!!
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