This is Tri Girl, Vol Fan's niece. She is 9.

On Saturday, she entered Atomic Kids Triathlon in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
She swam 200 meters. It was a pool swim (which is much better than open water) but it was a mass start (aka Free For All, aka Get Prepared to Kick and Get Kicked!).

She biked 2 miles.

She ran 1 mile.

She successfully completed the course, in spite of all the 'coaching' from the sidelines!!
Wow! WAY TO GO KATIE!!! *round of applause and cheering from the sidelines!* :)
Great now 9yrs olds are showing me up!!!!!
Oh well....good for her!!!!!!
I am so amazed and impressed! What a neat kid. When I was her age, all I wanted to do was read books :)
Wow! I am officially depressed that I can barely last 15 minutes on a treadmill...LOL! Great JOB!!
I am impressed. Way to go Katie!!!
I would have given up after 1/2 the swim, gotten out and had a drink and cigarette.
Oh, to be young again
We all thought she did really, really good and were very proud of her. She, however, was a bit disappointed in her time. Just doing the course and racing are 2 total different ballgames and she didn't realize how much more racing takes out of you!
Now her big idea is for me and her to do one together!!
YAY Katie!!!
I cant even run up a freaking flight of steps ....girl is showing me up LOL
#2 - Yeah, she is pretty awesome!!
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