Hey, Dixie here. I have taken over the post today because there are some things that I really need to get off of my chest.
I don't know about the rest of you but my life is really hard. Every day I have to get out of my bed and walk all the way into the den to take up my post here by the door. I have to keep an eye on the parking lot. It's got to be done and it's not like the human is going to do it. They call me nosy but who would they want to talk to if something bad were to happen? The nosy neighbor, of course!
Several times a day, the human makes me get up and go outside. Yes, I do need to do my business but she does hers inside, in the AC. So why can't I? Well, I guess it does give me the chance to sniff around a bit. On occasion, there are others that try to infringe upon my territory but I immediately nip that in the bud!
And, get this, every night the human makes me go for a walk with her. She makes me walk like 2 miles or something crazy like that. I tell you - I feel like I might DIE by the time I get home. She's the one that needs to lose weight - I am glorious just as I am! But I go, just to humor her. Otherwise, she gets all in a twist.
See that ball in the picture. Sometimes the human will throw it and expect ME to GO GET IT and BRING IT BACK TO HER. And then, she just throws it again! I don't give a damn about that ball. I mean it's not like it even tastes good. I don't know what she sees in it!
All this work has really aged me. All that gray just drives me batty. The human won't help. She is absolutely useless when it comes to beauty products. So what's a girl to do?
Well, I really need to go now. Time for my mid-morning nap!
OMG - that was the cutest post ever! My oldest daughter and I read it together and we were both laughing! Great idea! And Hello, Dixie, you're a doll!
Corinne - Dixie, here. Thanks! I know!
What a sweet looking dog!
Desert - She is a sweetheart. She especially loves little kids!!
ahh Dixie...could be worse. You could be a cat.
#2 - So true, so true!!
There's a dashing older dog at my house that would LOVE to meet Dixie :) He embraces his gray!
Big Hair - Maybe he could teach her to grow old gracefully!!
Such a great post. She gives the answer to, 'What's a dog to do.'
PP - Yeah and the answer is NOTHING!
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