Monday, October 5, 2015

A Moose-arific Day

Last weekend, Vol Fan had a couple of days off from work.  We decided that we were going to attempt to see a moose.  We asked locals where to go for our best chances.  We plotted.  We planned. We mapped.  And early Saturday morning, we headed into the wilds.

It had rained on Friday night and the clouds and mist were still hanging around.  Even with the weather, we were feeling lucky.  And we were right!!

Definitely a day well spent!!  Unfortunately, Vol Fan started having a familiar pain in his back while we were on the way home.  Yes, kidney stones.  Thankfully they passed fairly quickly and did not require a trip to the ER!


George said...

I'm glad your moose-hunting expedition was successful. I'm also glad VolFan didn't have to go to the ER.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

YES YES YES---glad you saw a moose... I remember how excited I was to see one... That is SUPER...

Hope VolFan doesn't have anymore trouble with those stinkin' kidney stones....
