Pita's first dance recital. In the first dance to "Who Let the Dogs Out?", she stood there, center stage, giving the audience her 'eat shit' look until she ran off of the stage to go to the bathroom. She told me that she was feeling "a little discouraged" but she did much better on her second number.

Miss Thang!

Wow, look at that sunset from our balcony in Knoxville!

A trip to the Knoxville Zoo.

Miss Thang, again!

Went to Bonnaroo!!

June photo session with AB

Air Vol Fan!

Learning to wake surf behind The Boss Man's new boat!

Tri-Girl's first triathlon

Zorbing in Pigeon Forge


You might be a redneck....

Three little girls and one BIG pillow!

And then we moved to Orlando. To be continued......
Great pics and those sure are some cute girls!
You sure do take some awesome pictures chickie!
Woody, What a great year you and VolFan have had... I have a good friend who was born and raised at Cumberland Gap. Of course, I was born and raised east of there in Big Stone Gap, VA.
Miss Thang is absolutely gorgeous.
There are more pictures of me biting the dust than pictures of me skiing fine. That should tell me something.
Looks like you had a very fine year my dear. 2009 ought to be a piece of cake, lol
LOVE all the pictures....the girls are delish. You guys sure do get around!!
BTW: I could not find the bear. were you teasing me????
Fantastic! Especially the action shots...wake surfing?
You have had some great moments this last year! It will be so fun to look back at these photos in a few months to see how the girls have changed.
Look at you, all coordinated!! I'd bust my tail if I ever tried to wakeboard:/ There was a reason I was named BHE & NOT Grace.
My fave of this set of photos? Why, cow milking, of course!!!
I've never tried wake surfing although I have water skiid many times. If it's anything like my first time snowboarding...errr... I'll pass.
I am up on the bears now!!! Great and scary as pooh story.
you are one brave girl!!!!
Looks like a great year! Gorgeous pictures as always!
These are AWESOME pics! I really like the one where your husband (?) is wiping out skiing! LOL
And little AB is the cutest thing ever! And your pictures load up nicely on my new WIRELESS in my house! (smartass...LOL)
Thanks for stopping by and the sweet comment.
Your kids are gorgeous!!!!
Look forward to stopping back by your blog.
Pictures are my favorite. I could look at them all day and all night : ).
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